GTAT’s tube filaments for polysilicon rods debuted at SNEC show

Polysilicon rod grown on tube filament
At the SNEC trade show in Shanghai, GTAT presented a polysilicon rod grown on a tube filament for the first time – Image: GTAT

U.S.-based GT Advanced Technologies (GTAT) showcased polysilicon rods grown on tube filaments for the first time at SNEC, the world’s largest solar trade show, in Shanghai in late May.

Since GTAT introduced the innovation on its website in November 2017, almost one half of the market has booked demonstration runs. “Nearly all polysilicon producers are interested in this technology,” says Jeffrey Gum, Director of Global Sales at GTAT.

 Tube filaments are an alternative to conventional slim rods for more efficient chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of silicon from trichlorosilane in rod reactors (Siemens process). GTAT projects cost savings of $1.50/kg for low-cost and up to $2.50/kg for high-cost manufacturers.

Due to the high level of interest in demonstration runs, the company has postponed the ramp-up of tube filament mass production to 2019 in order to better align its production capacity with demand.

At the SNEC show, GTAT also displayed its feeder for Continuous Czochralski (CCz) pulling of monocrystalline ingots. The company has already closed several supply contracts for this product.

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