News on Covid-19

News on suppliers, market trends and technology innovations in polysilicon and wafer production is selected, assessed and written for you by Bernreuter Research.

Monthly polysilicon price average from October 2011 through December 2023

Why the pork cycle has returned to the polysilicon market

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A period of weak demand until 2020 laid the ground for a polysilicon shortage that has triggered excessive capacity expansion in China. Now overcapacity provokes the next shakeout.

Polysilicon EBITDA margins of Daqo, Wacker, OCI and REC Silicon from Q1 2021 through Q1 2022

Mixed trends in polysilicon manufacturers’ first-quarter results

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While Chinese polysilicon manufacturer Daqo was able to stabilize its profit margin in the first quarter, non-Chinese competitors Wacker and OCI saw their earnings decline in the wake of rising costs.

Wacker’s integrated chemical factory in Burghausen, Bavaria

Covid-19 impact hits polysilicon manufacturers Wacker and OCI

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Strongly reduced demand for solar-grade polysilicon due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lower prices have left their mark in the financial figures of Wacker and OCI for the second quarter.