News on EnergyTrend

News on suppliers, market trends and technology innovations in polysilicon and wafer production is selected, assessed and written for you by Bernreuter Research.

Weekly polysilicon spot price indices of PVinsights and EnergyTrend in 2019 and 2020

Has PVinsights’ polysilicon spot price index overcome its bias?

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The weekly polysilicon spot price average provided by Taiwanese market researcher PVinsights has shown a bias towards low-price multi-grade polysilicon since 2019, but this seems to change now.

Weekly polysilicon spot price indices of PVinsights and EnergyTrend in 2019

Why PVinsights’ polysilicon spot price index has lost its relevance

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In 2019 the weekly polysilicon spot price average provided by PVinsights got out of sync with other polysilicon price indices as it ignored the strongly rising market share of mono-grade polysilicon.

Ministry of Commerce (Mofcom) of China, press conference on February 9, 2017

Rumor: Duty on Korean polysilicon imports into China below 10%

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Taiwanese market researchers, PVinsights and EnergyTrend have spread rumors that future duties on polysilicon imports from South Korea into China would be set at a rate below 10%.