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News on suppliers, market trends and technology innovations in polysilicon and wafer production is selected, assessed and written for you by Bernreuter Research.

Polysilicon EBITDA margins of Daqo, Wacker, OCI and REC Silicon from Q1 2021 through Q1 2022

Mixed trends in polysilicon manufacturers’ first-quarter results

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While Chinese polysilicon manufacturer Daqo was able to stabilize its profit margin in the first quarter, non-Chinese competitors Wacker and OCI saw their earnings decline in the wake of rising costs.

Fluidized bed reactor (FBR) polysilicon plant of TianREC, the Chinese joint venture of REC Silicon, in Yulin, Shaanxi province, China

REC Silicon writes down China joint-venture investment to zero

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Low utilization rates and continuing losses of its granular polysilicon joint venture TianREC in Yulin in the Chinese province of Shaanxi have led REC Silicon to write down its investment to zero.

REC Silicon’s silane and fluidized bed reactor polysilicon plant in Moses Lake, Washington with vehicle at night

REC Silicon planning to restart its plant in Moses Lake in 2022

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REC Silicon has announced partnerships with two future customers of its mothballed silane and polysilicon production facilities in Moses Lake, Washington, with restart planned in 2022.

REC Silicon’s silane/polysilicon plant in Butte, Montana

REC Silicon mulls selling its cash cow, the Butte polysilicon plant

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REC Silicon has announced considerations to sell its second plant, located in Butte in the U.S. state of Montana, which produces silane and electronic-grade polysilicon for the semiconductor industry.

REC Silicon’s fluidized bed reactor polysilicon plant in Moses Lake, Washington at night

REC Silicon keeps the lights on at polysilicon plant in Moses Lake

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U.S.-based polysilicon manufacturer REC Silicon has stopped speculation that its plant in Moses Lake, Washington could be closed.