News on specific silicon consumption

News on suppliers, market trends and technology innovations in polysilicon and wafer production is selected, assessed and written for you by Bernreuter Research.

Price changes in the solar value chain (polysilicon, wafer, cell, module) in the first quarter of 2021

Why the spot price for polysilicon is going through the roof

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In the first quarter, the spot price for solar-grade polysilicon soared by nearly 50% – from US$11 to more than $16 per kg. Solar cell manufacturers played a key role in the price rally.

GCL-Poly’s wafer factory in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, China

Shift to diamond wire saws drives down polysilicon consumption

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GCL-Poly Energy Holdings, the world’s largest maker of multicrystalline wafers, has completed its switch from slurry-based to diamond wire saws, according to Digitimes.